Dear Brothers,
May the graces of this Easter Season be with you!
I want to invite you to the 2016 Annual International Fraternity Meeting. Our hosts this year will be the Fraternity in Kansas City, Kansas. It will be held a week later this year: Sunday evening July 31 at 7:30 PM through Friday, August 5 at Noon.
To concelebrate Mass you will need a letter of suitability. Here is pertinent information for requesting that letter from your diocese:
Dates: July 31-August 5 (Adjust if you will be coming earlier or leaving later).
Reason: Participating in the Annual Fraternity of Priests Meeting, held this year in Kansas City, Kansas.
Contact person: Mr. Timothy Chik. His email is:
Address of location: Savior Pastoral Center, 12601 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas 66109
Local Bishop: Archbishop Joseph Naumann
Diocese: Archdiocese of Kansas City, 12615 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas 66109
Our presenter this year is Mr. Peter Herbeck, the vice-president of Renewal Ministries and co-host of the EWTN programs The Choices We Face and Crossing the Goal. He is the author of When the Spirit Comes in Power and When the Spirit Speaks. Our May Newsletter has a fairly thorough biography of him. I have traveled with Peter and he has spoken both in my diocese and parish. I have found his presentations insightful, inspiring and prophetic. It is a great privilege to have him with us. I strongly encourage you to make this meeting part of your summer plans.
The registration cost which includes the conference, lodging, and meals will be $425. Like last year, the Fraternity Board at our recent meeting has agreed on a travel reimbursement up to $300.00 for those from North America and up to $1000.00 for those from Europe, Asia, and Africa. Please alert us beforehand on the registration form that you will need a reimbursement and enclose a copy of your paid airfare bill. If an individual brother needs more financial assistance, please contact me by e-mail at It will be up to each of you to arrange your flights to the Kansas City International Airport (MCI). Try to arrive during the afternoon or evening of July 31. The brothers from Kansas City will arrange for transportation from the airport to Savior Pastoral Center. Transportation to the airport at the end of the conference will also be provided.
As we noted last year: this used to be called the leaders conference. It is now open to all members of the Fraternity. However, I do want to make a special appeal to local Fraternity leaders. Our gathering strengthens our bonds of fraternity and clarifies our mission of service to our brother priests and to the Church.
As usual we will cover some business at the meeting, in particular the election of new board members. Please pray that the Lord provide us with men willing to serve the Fraternity at large. We will also be nominating a brother for the Annual Brotherhood Award. Please indicate this name on your registration form. Even if you are not attending the conference, you may nominate a brother for this award.
Please join us at the conference and try to make the decision soon. Keep the conference and Peter Herbeck in your prayers. And pray for all the brothers in the Fraternity, especially those participating in this wonderful gathering.
In Christ,
Fr. Bob Franco